4 July 2013

Jay-Z's 'Magna Carta Holy Grail' Album Artwork Displayed Next to Real Magna Carta

Jay-Z has revealed the album cover for his upcoming release, "Magna Carta Holy Grail". The framed artwork is displayed at the Salisbury Cathedral in England, next to one of the remaining four actual 1215 Magna Carta documents.
The album cover features a black-and-white picture of two statues, Jay-Z's name, half-blocked by a black bar, is written on it. Co-designed by Jay-Z, creative director Willo Perron and photographer Ari Marcopoulos, the artwork will remain on display until the end of July.
"We are delighted that Jay Z has chosen Salisbury Cathedral, home to the finest of the four surviving original 1215 Magna Carta, as the location for the global premiere of his artwork for 'Magna Carta Holy Grail,' " Dean of Salisbury June Osborne said of Jay-Z's choice to exhibit the album cover at the cathedral.

"We know how important Magna Carta, and all it represents, is to people across the globe. The ideals it embodies are still relevant today," she continued. "Jay Z, through his album, is creating a huge awareness of this historic document and its modern significance to a huge audience in the run up to its 800th anniversary in 2015. We hope to welcome many of his fans here this summer to see the artwork in the Chapter House alongside our Magna Carta."

Jay-Z's "Magna Carta Holy Grail" will be available for one million Samsung Galaxy users on July 4.

To celebrate the album release, the rapper planned to throw a gigantic street party atop the Ed Sullivan Theater. He apparently has to find another place to keep his party going as planned, because sources said that New York City's mayor yanked approval for the event.

"The mayor's office approved it, and then just like that, it got denied," a police source told New York Post on Tuesday, July 2. The source continued, "It's because of the holiday weekend. They were concerned about fireworks and terrorism."

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