3 July 2013

Paris Jackson Is Not Rejected by Rehab Facility

The daughter of King of Pop Michael Jackson has been treated since June following a suicide attempt. Her mother, Debbie Rowe, is said looking for an adolescent facility to continue her treatment. A recent report suggested that a rehab facility in Utah rejected her admission, but source insisted that there was no rejection.

"I never heard anything about a rejection. There wasn't a rejection. There were concerns of logistics, about bodyguards and the privacy of the other patients," the source said of the rumor. The Utah rehab facility apparently is combined with boarding school, but Paris reportedly will not go to the facility because of the distance.

"It would make it hard for her brothers and family to see her since she would have been so far away. Other concerns included the curriculum of the school, but the biggest was the distance. [Paris' grandmother] Katherine [Jackson] wants to see her and she is in her 80s and she doesn't fly," the source explained, adding that Debbie chose another facility for Paris. "It is in-state. But no specific date has been set for the move," the source added.

According to Radar Online, Paris will be under treatment until her father's wrongful death trial is over. She will have no access to cell phone, social media or the internet, so that she won't read upsetting headlines about her father.

The trial is expected to end in August.

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